As a language model, I don’t have personal opinions, but I can provide you with expert opinions, statistics, and future predictions related to the topic.

Landscaping businesses typically experience a slowdown during the hot summer months, but one way to overcome this is by implementing targeted marketing strategies. According to marketing experts, identifying and reaching out to a specific audience is crucial for success. A targeted mailing campaign can be an effective way to reach potential customers who may be interested in landscaping services.

Statistics show that direct mail campaigns have a higher response rate than email campaigns, with a response rate of 4.9% for direct mail compared to just 1% for email. Furthermore, 60% of direct mail recipients say that they were influenced to visit a promoted website, and 44% of them visited a physical store or business.

A case study provided in this article exemplifies the success that can be achieved through targeted mailing campaigns. The author mailed letters to 350 homeowners in an area where he knew people could afford landscaping services, but were not extremely wealthy. The result was a net profit of $2,973.00 for the author, and an additional $1,060.00 for a friend who provided plants for one of the landscaping projects.

As for future predictions related to this topic, experts believe that direct mail campaigns will continue to be a valuable marketing tool for businesses. In fact, the Direct Marketing Association predicts that the response rate for direct mail will remain steady through 2022. Furthermore, with the increased use of data analytics and personalized marketing, targeted mailing campaigns are likely to become even more effective in the future.

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