Miss Teen India organisers are delighted to announce the winners of the 2020 edition of Miss Teen India. This is the first-ever Pageant to be held online. The contestant’s self-trained with our training Videos and we were exuberant to see a magnificent performance. Different location shoots were another unique online experience for them added Mr. Amarlal G Nichani the MD…
At this time when finding a tranquil place to reside, particularly in a busy metro like Pune, is like a tough nut to crack, Yogesh Enterprises has eased the job of home seekers. The Pune based real estate company has made this possible through its futuristic homes at the latest residential projects like “Highland Spaces” and “Gandharva Excellencee” at Moshi,…
A Global Song Project and Peace Initiative ‘Say Namaste’ is a global song project created by India based Relationship Coach Shradha WTB. in collaboration with Strymphony Music Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. The project has received encouraging response and support from world leaders including The Dalai Lama and the former Global Head of Innovation & Creativity at Disney, Duncan Wardle. ‘Say Namaste’…
Janadhar India, an established political consultancy and election strategist, has deployed its team of political analysts in West Bengal to read voters pulse, issues by conducting extensive booth level survey. Janadhar India, has deployed its team of best political analysts to read the pulse of voters in West Bengal. The team has surveyed more than 10 percent of voters’ population…
When at “Achija” – “You’re Here, You’re Home” stands justified as it has been a part of daily life for more than three decades to its clients and has held their utmost loyalty. “Achija” is a chain of fast-food restaurants, established in the year 1987 in a Central Suburb of Mumbai by Lakhamshi Vershi Mange. Since their journey began, they…
Renani Jewels achieved the title of “Most Diamond in a Single Ring” awarded by The Guinness World Records with ‘12638’ natural diamonds encrusted in it. Link: https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/most-diamonds-set-in-one-ring It was a dream project of Renani Jewels’ M.D. Harshit Bansal S/O Mr. Anil Bansal, to achieve this milestone. The previous record was 7801 number of Diamonds broken huge difference. Each and every…
Two of India’s premiere content houses, Pratilipi and IVM Podcasts have announced that they will join forces to create a sustainable and scalable model for the podcasting industry in India. The podcast space both across the world as well as in India has been growing exponentially, and this growth signifies for industry players that have been in the content space…
China is increasingly becoming the most favoured destination to study medicine and MBBS for both students from all over the world. According to statistics, every year more than 100,000 foreign students come to China to study medicine. Enrolment and study of an English MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) program in China has become increasingly important since 2004.…
मुंबई की टीम पहले ही प्लेऑफ में पहुंच चुकी है और वह तालिका में 18 अंकों के साथ नंबर एक टीम है। मुंबई की टीम चाहेगी कि उसका विजय अभियान इस मैच में भी बना रहे और वह जीत के साथ पहले क्वालीफायर में खेलने उतरे। हैदराबाद के लिए यह ‘करो या मरो’ का मैच है और जीतने की स्थिति…
सोशल मीडिया साइट्स ट्विटर और फेसबुक ने अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप की उस पोस्ट को हरी झंडी दिखाई है जिसमें उन्होंने चुनावी चोरी का आरोप लगाया है। सोशल मीडिया साइट्स ट्विटर और फेसबुक ने अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप की उस पोस्ट को हरी झंडी दिखाई है जिसमें उन्होंने चुनावी चोरी का आरोप लगाया है। चुनावों के अंतिम परिणाम बाहर नहीं हैं,…