The first of its kind Russian Film Festival has come to a close after a successful run and well-received response on India’s biggest OTT platform Disney + Hotstar. Having showcased the best of contemporary Russian films from October 16, film fans and aficionados of world cinema got an opportunity to enjoy entertaining and award-winning stories with a unique flavor and…
The Russian Film Festival is bringing the best of Russian cinema to India in an exciting collaboration with Disney+ Hotstar. The Film Festival is going on from October 16 to November 27, a selection of celebrated comedies, musicals, and dramas are streaming for Indian movie buffs. Filmmaker Imtiaz Ali is the ambassador for the Russian Film Festival in India and…
कॉमिक्स एक विशाल मनोरंजक माध्यम है जो स्वच्छता, स्वास्थ्य और अन्य सामाजिक कारणों के गहरा विषयों को संबोधित करने के प्रयासों को बढ़ावा दे सकता है। जापानी कॉमिक्स पूरी दुनिया में प्रसिद्ध हैं। “सेल्स एट वर्क” एक विश्व स्तर पर लोकप्रिय जापानी कॉमिक है।जिसे 16 देशों में विशाल पब्लिशिंग हाउस कोदंषा से प्रकाशित किया गया है। दुनिया भर में इसकी…
Kuchipudi exponent Aparna Satheesan has been honoured with the prestigious Bharatha Shastra Nrithya Praveena National Award for her excellence in the field of Kuchipudi, at the 10-day long 64th International festival of dance and music organized by All India Dancer’s Association [AIDA] in Bhilai, Rajpur India on November 10th, 2021. This award has been given in the past to outstanding…
Comics are a massive entertaining medium that can boost efforts to address complex topics of hygiene, health, and other social causes. Japanese Comics are well known all across and have multiple genres unique in their own way. “Cells at Work” is a globally known Japanese comic title that has been published by publishing giant Kodansha in 16 countries. It has…
The canons of art history are fluid and changing. And it’s the role of curators to come in, make sense of it all, and present a picture of where art will head next. They act as stewards, activate ideas, draw connections, bring attention to lesser-known artists and overlooked regions, and highlight topics that warrant a deeper conversation. And as political…
AKB48 has set great records in Japanese music history. 45 of their songs have won No.1 on the single chart in Japan and that makes them No.1 in the Japanese female artists category. They also achieved over a million sales for 39 songs and this is also a No.1 record in Japan. Their overall sales for their singles are 57…
MASH (My Art Shalini) is a digital platform — founded by the collector and philanthropist Shalini Passi — that explores the intersection of architecture, art, craft, design, and fashion in an accessible and engaging format. In line with the mission of the Shalini Passi Art Foundation — to support emerging young artists — MASH hosts a monthly feature on selected…
BAND-MAID, a hard rock band who is well known for their Japanese maid costumes, has released a new song “Sense” in full size for streaming and CD recently. The music video for “Sense” has also been released alongside. “Sense” is the opening theme song of the TV anime “Platinum End” and has been attracting attention with its magnificent strings at…
Mumbai, 16th October 2021: In a unique collaboration that international movie buffs will celebrate, the Russian Film Festival will bring the best of their recent films for Indian audiences on the leading OTT platform, Disney + Hotstar. From October 16 to November 27, this collection of entertaining and intriguing films will play out on the platform with a focus on wide local…